Who We Are

Why Did We Form?

Despite its significant population and size, Culmore has not benefitted from the investment in services and community development that other areas have enjoyed. The area is in need of core community and rural services, sport and play provision, economic investment, and the development of community facilities and spaces.

The objects of the Charity shall be the promotion for the public benefit of urban and rural regeneration in the Culmore area of Derry City and its environs (the “area of benefit”), without distinction of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability/ability, race, political, religious or other opinion, by association the statutory authorities, voluntary organisations and the inhabitants in a common effort with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants, Culmore Community Partnership seeks to create a Culmore that is inclusive and cohesive; offers access to quality community spaces and programmes; is connected to the City and its neighboring areas.  Our premises, Culmore Community Hub (formerly Victoria Hall), will be established as a unique venue for community activities for local youth, seniors, families and entrepreneurs , promoting local crafts, produce, sports, arts, culture, heritage and music.

Associate Membership

If you would like to find out how to become an Associate Member of Culmore Community Partnership please read our Charter of Membership then complete the application form.

Criteria for Membership

Associate Members are supporters, donors or volunteers who do not have any constitutional roles.  They form an integral part of our Charity; their opinions and participation are important to CCP however Associate Members do not have voting rights. Associate Membership is limited to:-

  •         People living in Culmore – proof of address will be required
  •         People involved with projects in Culmore
  •         People who bring in ‘specific skill sets’ which maybe lacking in CCP

*You need to be minimum three years as an active member of CCP if you wish to become or propose a Trustee to the Board.

Our Vision Statement

Our Mission Statement

In seeking to deliver its vision, Culmore Community Partnership will:

  • Offer a professional service for local people from its base in Victoria Hall
  • Engage regularly and effectively with local people to tap into their talents, ideas and energy, and to ensure that CCP’s programmes, projects and initiatives are relevant to their needs
  • Proactively engage with neighbouring areas, including Muff, to develop strong links that benefit local people
  • Promote Victoria Hall as the focal point for Culmore and as a venue for community use and benefit
  • Deliver its proposed Four Corners Project (more detail can be seen under the programmes section of the website) and develop additional programmes and key capital projects.

Culmore Community Partnership’s Guiding Principles are:

  • Commitment to the development of Culmore and the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of its people.
  • Honesty, integrity and transparency in how we operate and serve local people.
  • Diversity and inclusivity in our structures, programmes and activities.
  • Accessibility for local people and stakeholders.
  • Compliance with regulations, best practice, policies and procedures.
  • Proactive and innovative in our approach.
  • Regular, effective engagement and communication internally and externally.

Our Values

Thanks to our Funders

This project was part funded under Priority 6 (LEADER) of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the European Union